The Power Of Positive Affirmations And Positive Thinking
Course5.0 average rating (2 reviews)During this course you will learn about the concept of positive affirmations; What they are, how they are used, and the benefits they have on an individuals mental and physical health. You will also learn about the science behind positive affirmation
Understanding Reactive Attachment Disorder
CourseDuring this course you will learn about the diagnosis of Reactive Attachment Disorder, otherwise known as RAD and how to treat as a Recreation Therapist.
Borderline Personality Disorder
CourseDuring this course, you will learn about Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), what it is, how it affects people, how it is commonly treated, what we can do as providers to help our clients with this diagnosis, 3 DBT Skills that can be utilized.
Conducting A Comprehensive TR Assessment
Course4.3 average rating (3 reviews)This course provides an overview of processes helpful for conducting a thorough and comprehensive assessment in Therapeutic Recreation (TR).
Love Your Brain Yoga: A Recreation Therapy Approach
CourseThis course will allow the CTRS to learn about the history of Love Your Brain Yoga and how to develop and facilitate this interdisciplinary program. The clinician will have the opportunity to review the etiology of adults with Traumatic Brain Injury
Death and Dying: An RT's Role
Course5.0 average rating (4 reviews)to make sure patients still have a sense of purpose during their end of life. Recreation Therapist can provide a unique form of care that can help maintain your patient’s quality of life, that most families cannot provide during this difficult time.