Incorporating “Sound” as a Therapeutic Intervention

*This course has been pre-approved by NCTRC for 5 clock hours.

This course will explore the definition of Sound healing, its origins, and benefits as used by a CTRS in different settings. Learners will be introduced to non-traditional instruments and ways to produce healing sounds that have been proven to help the following: reduce stress/depression/pain/anxiety, create an atmosphere for healing response for physical illnesses and diseases, enhance energy levels, and improvement for sleep disorders and insomnia just to name a few. After completing this course, CTRS’s will be able to plan, implement, and evaluate Sound Healing into their own Recreation Therapy practice. So, be prepared to explore a new way of helping your patients using non-pharmacological interventions. The Learner must pass a quiz at the end of the course with at least a 70% in order to be awarded a completion certificate. The course must be completed within 365 days of start date.

Course Objectives

  • Gain historical knowledge and understanding of the art of sound and its’ healing principles

  • Identify populations and different settings who will benefit from sound healing sessions

  • Learn about non-traditional instruments you can incorporate into a sound healing treatment session whether the client is an active or passive participant

  • Learn about different methods used for a quality sound healing session

  • Learn how to implement and evaluate sound healing into your TR practice

Randy Shaw, MHS, LRT/CTRS

Instructor Bio:

Randy Shaw, MHS, LRT/CTRS has been a practicing Recreation Therapist for 20 years. He received his BS degree from Western Carolina University (WCU) in 2001 and received his Master Health Science in Management in 2012 from WCU. Randy has worked with individuals with a variety of disabilities/illnesses in different settings. He has worked at an Alcohol Drug Abuse Treatment facility (internship), a group home with adults with Autism, Juvenile Development Center, Community Parks & Recreation Department, Veterans Hospital setting, and he has also spent some time teaching as a recreation therapy adjunct instructor at WCU. Currently, Randy works with veterans in a long-term care, rehabilitation, and hospice facility. Over the past 20 years Randy has served on numerous boards and committees, chaired recreation therapy conferences, mentored upcoming Recreation Therapists, and presented at several workshops and conferences. Randy is very excited about passing along his knowledge and experiences to other recreation therapists to help improve the overall well being patients.

Randy Shaw, MHS, LRT/CTRS

SMART Instructor